May Market Report

Maine Assoc. of Realtors has just released the Maine market numbers for May 2019 indicating continued broad growth. Statewide, the # of homes purchased is up 6.3% year over year for May and the state’s median home sale price is up 4.6%. Closer to home, Hancock County enjoyed the strongest value growth of all 16 counties showing a 25% jump in median home sale price. # of home sales in Hancock County rose 20% in May, year over year. With interest rates below 4% once again, our seasonal selling months in full swing and what will surely be a market unsettling presidential election cycle on the horizon for 2020, many signs point to right now as being the potential peak of our current market up swing in Maine. Thinking of selling? Timing could not be better. Click here for a full look at the May 2019 Maine market report.
#MaineRealtorsMarketReport #May2019 #PemeticPurveyors #MarketPeak?
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