Maine Housing Report for February 2021
The incredibly active market in Maine continues with recent news from Maine Assoc. of Realtors’ February 2021 “Maine Housing Report”. Statewide, Feb. 2020 vs. Feb. 2021 saw a 22.8% rise in the number of homes sold and a 12.9% rise in the median value of homes purchased in the state, that number resting at $244,900. So much for the quiet Winters! More locally, rolling quarter numbers in Hancock County look like this: A 50.6% jump in the number of homes sold 2020 vs. 2021 and a 41.4% jump in the median value for homes purchased, landing at $312,500. Get this: in 2020, the median sale price for the same rolling quarter was $221,000. What a leap! If you see a drop in the number of homes sold in 2021, it almost certainly won’t be for lack of demand, but rather, for lack of supply.
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